Golang / Go Job: Senior System Engineer (Go)


Senior System Engineer (Go) at Gevulot

Remote › 🌐 Worldwide, 100% remote position
  (Posted Feb 22 2024)

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Job description
What we're looking for
We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer who can turn ideas into reliable, beautifully written code that other people will find easy to comprehend and modify. You have a fundamental understanding of distributed systems and how Linux works behind the scenes. All additional experience in low-level systems is considered to your benefit. Experience and understanding of blockchain are not mandatory.

• Work closely with us as we build additional features, functionality, and applications
• Understand Gevulot infrastructure in detail to ideate and execute areas of improvement
• Implement and contribute to engineering practices and processes

• 2+ years of experience in Go, through official work or personal projects
• Ability to quickly learn complex systems
• Ability to proactively identify issues and find possible solutions
• Fluent and active communication skills in English

Preferred Skills
• Experience and interest in distributed systems, P2P networking, virtualization, and unikernels
• Curiosity for blockchain/cybersecurity
• Familiarity with Linux internals, POSIX standards, file systems, and zero-knowledge cryptography

• Linux on ×86-64
• Nanos unikernel
• gRPC over VSOCK
• Go
• Postgresql

What we offer
• Fully remote position
• Competitive salary
• Significant responsibility from day 1
• Fast growth environment with opportunities for professional development
• Minimal amount of meetings
• Free-ish working hours (Some overlap availability needed with EET)
• Opportunity to work on the cutting edge of Zero Knowledge infrastructure
• Opportunity to gain experience in the blockchain industry and development without prior industry experience

Please mention that you found the job at Golangprojects.com

Apply now!  

Company: Gevulot

job info / career page
Linkedin profile
Github: gevulotnetwork
Location: 🌐 Worldwide, 100% Remote

World Map

Skills wanted, in addition to Golang:
go blockchain grpc linux p2p


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